I already know why you're here, you need photos taken! Not just more photos of smiling faces though, but photos that capture the soul & bond of your family! That's why I'm here too! To capture the real you. To capture memories and not just your smiles. To give you photos that you can actually reminisce about. Remember when you used to do that? Your memories will eventually fade and your children will grow up but your photos will last your lifetime. So take ALL the photos!
There are some things you should know about me. I'm a 'natural light' photographer, which is just a cool way to tell you that I don't use flash. I like to keep local, so South Jersey is where you'll find me. And if you are worried that you wont know how to pose or you think you are not "photogenic" you can leave those worries right here. I'll have a number of poses and prompts that will help you look and feel like yourself in front of my camera. If you're ready to make it official just scroll down to Let's Make Memories to book your session today!
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The day after your session is very exciting! You will receive your "sneak peeks" and a week later your blog will be posted ready for you to view! Your full online gallery will be available a day later. You will receive 40 digital images and a print release! Yay! finally time to share your images and hang them on your wall!
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